Friday, October 19, 2012

The Al Smith Dinner

Last night was the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner.

The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner is an annual white tie charity fundraiser for Catholic Charities, held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York on the third Thursday of October (Smith died on October 4). It is organized by the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation in honor of former New York Governor Al Smith, the first Catholic presidential candidate. The first dinner was held in 1945.

Since 1960 (when Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy were speakers), it has been a stop for the two main presidential candidates during several U.S. election years.

Candidates have traditionally given humorous speeches poking fun at themselves and their opponents, making the event similar to a roast. It is generally, the last event at which the two candidates share a stage before the election.

Below are Cardinal Dolan's remarks from last night's dinner:

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Faith Exposed

Pope Benedict XVI has called for the Church to celebrate a Year of Faith beginning this October 2012 and running through November 2013.  This Year of Faith is designed to renew the faith of Catholics so that we will be joy-filled witnesses to the Risen Christ in our world.

As a Chaminade Faith Family, we invite you and your families to join as we officially open the Year of Faith with a special event called “The Faith Exposed.”  This event will take place on October 15, 2012 at 7:30pm in Darby Auditorium and will include faith talks from three members of our Religion faculty, live music, and Eucharistic Adoration.

A commercial and poster for the event can be found above.

While an RSVP isn’t necessary to attend the event, it would be helpful so that we can gain an idea of the size of the audience.  Please RSVP here

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Michael Foley at or 516-742-5555 x531